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How to Set Keycloak as Identity Provider


This basic tutorial demonstrates the steps to create a REALM in Keycloak and use it as an identity and access management solution for AI DIAL users.

In AI DIAL, you can assign roles to Models, Applications, Addons, and Assistants to restrict the number of tokens that can be transmitted in a specific time frame. These roles and their limitations can be created in external systems and then assigned in AI DIAL's configuration.

Configuration Guidelines

Configure Keycloak

Note: Replace <chat_url> with the actual address of your AI DIAL Chat application.

There are two ways to configure Keycloak: via Admin Console or using a CLI tool.

Configuration in Keycloak Admin Console

Follow these steps to configure Keycloak in Admin Console:

  1. Create a Client: Create an OpenID Connect client in Keycloak with the following settings:
    • Client type: OpenID Connect
    • Client ID: dial-chat
    • Client authentication: On
    • Root URL: <chat_url>
    • Valid redirect URIs: <chat_url>/*
    • Home URL: <chat_url>
    • Web origins: <chat_url>
  2. Collect configuration parameters: in this step, you will collect parameters that will be required for AI DIAL configuration.
    • In Clients/Client details/Settings, record the Client ID.
    • In Clients/Client details/Credentials, click on view Client secret and record it.
    • In Realm settings/General, record the Realm ID.
  3. Create Users: create necessary Users.
  4. (Optional) Create and Assign Roles: under the Clients/Client details/Roles, create necessary Client roles. After that assign roles to users.

Configuration in Keycloak Config CLI

For setting up Keycloak, which is included in the AI DIAL Helm chart, you can use Keycloak Config CLI. We suggest using the following configuration, which can be passed to keycloak.keycloakConfigCli.configuration."realm\.yaml" in the DIAL Helm chart.

Note: Replace <fields> before applying this configuration.

realm: "dial"
displayName: "dial"
enabled: true
accessTokenLifespan: 86400
ssoSessionIdleTimeout: 86400
ssoSessionMaxLifespan: 86400
- name: admin
description: "AI DIAL chat admin role"
composite: false
clientRole: true
- name: DIAL
- name: "admin"
dial-chat: ["admin"]
- name: dial
description: "dial scope"
protocol: openid-connect
attributes: "true"
display.on.consent.screen: "true"
consent.screen.text: ""
- name: "Audience for Dial"
protocol: openid-connect
protocolMapper: oidc-audience-mapper
consentRequired: false
included.client.audience: dial-chat
id.token.claim: false
access.token.claim: true
- clientId: dial-chat
name: dial-chat
description: AI DIAL chat client
rootUrl: https://<chat_url>
adminUrl: https://<chat_url>
baseUrl: https://<chat_url>
surrogateAuthRequired: false
enabled: true
clientAuthenticatorType: client-secret
secret: <keycloak_client_secret>
- https://<chat_url>/*
- https://<chat_url>
notBefore: 0
bearerOnly: false
consentRequired: false
standardFlowEnabled: true
implicitFlowEnabled: false
directAccessGrantsEnabled: true
serviceAccountsEnabled: false
publicClient: false
frontchannelLogout: true
protocol: openid-connect
oidc.ciba.grant.enabled: "false"
client.secret.creation.time: "1691398764"
backchannel.logout.session.required: "true"
display.on.consent.screen: "false"
oauth2.device.authorization.grant.enabled: "false"
backchannel.logout.revoke.offline.tokens: "false"
authenticationFlowBindingOverrides: {}
fullScopeAllowed: true
nodeReRegistrationTimeout: -1
- web-origins
- acr
- profile
- roles
- email
- dial
- address
- phone
- offline_access
- microprofile-jwt

Configure AI DIAL

By configuring both AI DIAL Chat and AI DIAL Core with the necessary environment variables, you will enable them to work together seamlessly with Identity Provider for authentication and authorization purposes.

To configure AI DIAL Chat and AI DIAL Core to work with Keycloak, follow these steps:

AI DIAL Chat Settings

Add the following environment variables to AI DIAL Chat configuration. Refer to AI DIAL Chat to learn more.

AUTH_KEYCLOAK_HOST: "https://<keycloak_host>/realms/<keycloak_realm_id>"
AUTH_KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID: "<keycloak_client_id>"
AUTH_KEYCLOAK_SECRET: "<keycloak_client_secret>"


AI DIAL Core Settings

Add the following parameters to AI DIAL Core static settings. Refer to AI DIAL Core for more details.

aidial.identityProviders.keycloak.jwksUrl: "<keycloak_jwks_uri>"
aidial.identityProviders.keycloak.rolePath: "<keycloak_role_path>"
aidial.identityProviders.keycloak.issuerPattern: <issuerPattern>
aidial.identityProviders.keycloak.loggingKey: "sub"
aidial.identityProviders.keycloak.loggingSalt: "loggingSalt" # strong generated string


  • keycloak_jwks_uri example: https://<keycloak_host>/realms/<keycloak_realm_id>/protocol/openid-connect/certs
  • keycloak_role_path example: resource_access.dial-chat.roles
  • issuerPattern example: '^https:\/\/keycloak\.example\.com.+$'

Assignment of Roles

Once all the above steps are completed, including the ones marked as Optional, you can assign roles to Models, Applications, Addons, and Assistants.

In AI DIAL Core:

  • Static settings: as value for aidial.identityProviders.keycloak.rolePath provide a role path from Keycloak.
  • Dynamic settings: for userRoles provide a specific role name(s).

In this example, "keycloak-role-name" role from the <keycloak_role_path> is configured for chat-gpt-35-turbo model:

# Dynamic settings of AI DIAL Core
"models": {
"chat-gpt-35-turbo": {
"type": "chat",
"endpoint" : "http://localhost:7001/v1/openai/deployments/gpt-35-turbo/chat/completions",
"upstreams": [
{"endpoint": "http://localhost:7001", "key": "modelKey1"}
"userRoles": ["keycloak-role-name"]