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Launch AI DIAL Chat with Azure Model


In this tutorial, you will learn how to quickly launch AI DIAL Chat with a custom model created in Azure OpenAI Studio.


  1. Docker engine installed on your machine (Docker Compose Version 2.20.0 +).

    Refer to Docker documentation.

  2. Account in MS Azure OpenAI Studio.

    Refer to Create and Deploy OpenAI Model in Azure to learn how to create and deploy a model in your MS Azure.

Step 1: Get AI DIAL

Download AI DIAL.

Step 2: Configuration

In the dial-docker-compose/model/core folder, you can find a config.json configuration file.

In config.json, you can add your Azure model credentials to the chat configuration:

  • Supply your Azure API Keys for your deployments for the key parameter.

  • Replace http://azure_deployment_host with your GPT endpoint for the endpoint parameter. Note: in the endpoint, replace gpt-4 with your Azure deployment name, in case it is different.

          "upstreams": [
    "endpoint": "http://azure_deployment_host/openai/deployments/gpt-4/chat/completions",
    "key": "AZURE_MODEL_API_KEY"

    Refer to Create and Deploy OpenAI Model in Azure to learn how to create and deploy a model in MS Azure.

Step 3: Launch AI DIAL Chat

  1. Run docker compose up from the folder with the docker-compose file.
  2. Open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser to launch the AI DIAL Chat application.